Please find best programming language for your problems and solution.
Covering all cases: JavaScript Perl PHP Python Ruby | Covering some cases: C C++ C# Go Java Rust Shell
Big categories
Array | Class | Database | File systems | Network | Number | String | System | Test | Time | Variable
Other useful content
Loop an associative array and print items
Get minimum value in the array
Get maximum value in the array
Sort array in descending order
Sort associative array based on key in ascending order
Sort associative array based on key in descending order
Sort associative array based on value in ascending order
Manipulate PostgreSQL (Connect/Create Table/Insert/Select/Drop/Transaction)
Manipulate SQLite (Connect/Create Table/Insert/Select/Drop/Transaction)
File systems
Write to file and read whole content of file at one time
Write to file and read content of file line by line
Create and delete directories recursively
Create, change permission and remove directory
Trim white spaces of string at head and tail
Make characters lower and replace specified character
Change upper characters into lower characters
Capitalize first character of all words
Check whether the string contains the specified string by regex
Print all matched parts by regex
Convert string into hashed string using sha256
Dump variable and check content
Check whether the variable is defined or not
Print passed parameters(ARGVs) through command line
Import environmental value from .env(dotenv) and print specified ENV value

Author: Hajime Kurita, CEO/CTO of 1st Class, inc. Search Engineer & Web master
Certificate: AWS SOL Architect, Professional Scrum Master I, Class I IT Engineer(JP national certificate), TOEIC900+, Graduate of Tokyo university
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