My name is FirstName LastName My sex is male My specialty is cardiology
About Base class (Human class), please refer to Create class and object.
/* Human.class must be compiled earlier and must be put in the path of environmental value CLASSPATH=... or in same directory */ import java.util.*; class Doctor extends Human{ private String specialty; public Doctor(Map<String, String> opt){ super(opt); this.specialty = opt.get("specialty"); } public void saySpecialty() { System.out.println("My specialty is " + this.specialty); } public static void main(String args[]) { Map<String, String> opt = new HashMap<String, String>(); opt.put("name", "FirstName LastName"); opt.put("sex", "male"); opt.put("specialty", "cardiology"); Doctor doctor1 = new Doctor(opt); doctor1.sayName(); doctor1.saySex(); doctor1.saySpecialty(); } }
const Human = require('../human_class/Human.js'); class Doctor extends Human { constructor(opt) { super(opt); this.specialty = opt["specialty"]; } saySpecialty() { console.log("My specialty is " + this.specialty); } } module.exports = Doctor; if(!module.parent) { let doctor1 = new Doctor({"name":"FirstName LastName", "sex":"male", "specialty":"cardiology"}); doctor1.sayName(); doctor1.saySex(); doctor1.saySpecialty(); }
package Doctor; use strict; use Data::Dumper; use warnings; use File::Basename; use lib dirname(__FILE__).'/../human_class'; use base qw(Human); sub new(){ my $class = shift; my $op = shift; my $self = Human->new( $op ); $self = bless $self, $class; $self->{'specialty'} = $op->{'specialty'}; return $self; } sub saySpecialty(){ my $self = shift; if($self->{'specialty'}){ print "My specialty is ".$self->{'specialty'}."\n"; } } if ($0 eq __FILE__) { my $doctor1 = new Doctor({'name' => "FirstName LastName", "sex" => "male", "specialty" => "cardiology"}); $doctor1->sayName(); $doctor1->saySex(); $doctor1->saySpecialty(); } else{ 1; }
<?php namespace FirstClass\Example2; require __DIR__. '/../human_class/Human.php'; use FirstClass\Example1\Human; class Doctor extends Human{ private $specialty; public function __construct($opt){ parent::__construct($opt); $this->specialty = $opt["specialty"]; } public function saySpecialty(){ print "My specialty is ".$this->specialty."\n"; } } if (!isset(debug_backtrace()[0])) { $doctor1 = new Doctor(["name"=>"FirstName LastName", "sex"=>"male", "specialty"=>"cardiology"]); $doctor1->sayName(); $doctor1->saySex(); $doctor1->saySpecialty(); }
import sys sys.path.append('../human_class') from Human import Human class Doctor(Human): def __init__(self, opt): super().__init__(opt) self.specialty = opt["specialty"] def saySpecialty(self): print("My specialty is " + self.specialty) if __name__ == "__main__": doctor1 = Doctor({"name":"FirstName LastName", "sex":"male", "specialty":"cardiology"}) doctor1.sayName() doctor1.saySex() doctor1.saySpecialty()
require_relative "../human_class/Human.rb" class Doctor < Human def initialize(opt) super @specialty = opt["specialty"] end def saySpecialty puts "My specialty is " + @specialty.to_s end end if $0 == __FILE__ doctor1 ={"name" => "FirstName LastName", "sex" => "male", "specialty" => "cardiology"}) doctor1.sayName doctor1.saySex doctor1.saySpecialty end