1=apple 2=orange
Here are regex flags which I used for this example.
e=execute program in regex in the case of Perl
g=match all, not only once
i=ignore whether character is large or small
s=ignore new line except for Ruby
m=ignore new line in the case of ruby
const value = `This is target 1. Name is apple. Target 2 is here. Name is orange.` if (matches = [...value.matchAll(/target\s([\d+]).*?Name\s+is\s+([^\.]+)\./sig)] ) { for (match of matches) { console.log(match[1]+"="+match[2]); } }
my $check_value = $value = "This is target 1. Name is apple. Target 2 is here. Name is orange."; $check_value=~ s{target\s([\d+]).*?Name\s+is\s+([^\.]+)\.}{ print $1.'='.$2."\n"; }gesix;
<?php $value = "This is target 1. Name is apple. Target 2 is here. Name is orange."; $matches = []; preg_match_all('/target\s([\d+]).*?Name\s+is\s+([^\.]+)\./is', $value, $matches); if(isset($matches[1])) { $i = 0; foreach($matches[1] as $match) { print($match."=".$matches[2][$i]."\n"); $i++; } }
import re value = """This is target 1. Name is apple. Target 2 is here. Name is orange.""" matches = re.findall( r'target\s([\d+]).*?Name\s+is\s+([^\.]+)\.', value, re.IGNORECASE | re.DOTALL) for match in matches: print(match[0]+"="+match[1])
value = "This is target 1. Name is apple. Target 2 is here. Name is orange."; matches = value.scan(/target\s([\d+]).*?Name\s+is\s+([^\.]+)\./im) for match in matches do puts(match[0]+"="+match[1]) end